
To provide client-focused relationship coaching to achieve relationship goals with effective support and guidance.
Create deep love, connected relationships and a thriving sex life over a customised coaching journey. The journey involves creating an empowered process to integrate profound healing, embodiment and emotional resourcing. This is for anyone looking to do transformative work in areas related to love, relationship, sex and/or sexuality. In particular, for individuals or couples working through life transitions like marriage, divorce, illness, injury or career changes.
Learn the ancient art of yoni egg practices (that includes Taoist and Tantric principles weaved into a modern system) to unlock feminine wisdom and connect with your vagina and sensuality. Create profound transformation in vaginal health, hormonal balance, vitality and orgasmic potential and intimacy.

To enable a collaborative working relationship with medical professionals to deliver value to the wellness seekers.
Consultancy arm for institutions or organisations around incorporating process and protocol changes to include anti-harassment safeguards, feedback channel, education and appropriate victim support processes.
Services include strategic recommendations, change management, training and implementation in collaboration with the institution or organization in consultancy. Consultancy scope o
About Me
Sex, Love & Relationship Coach
I am a top trained coach with (600 hrs) Sex, Love & Relationship Coaching (SLRC) Certification by Layla Martin of the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality (TIIS). I use various deep coaching methodologies to incorporate visualisation, meditation, mind-body psychology, jade egg practices and ancient traditions to help individuals and couples develop an empowered and embodied relationship with themselves.
Safe Spaces for Integration
I am known for holding compassionate and safe spaces, while clearly identifying blind spots around beliefs and combines intuitive insight to a range of tools and practices. Whether it is to address key issues for healing to or transition to higher levels of embodiment, the relevant tools and activations are then used for each session.
Sexual & Relationship Wellness
This is a journey of remembrance - coming back to our authentic selves. Often, this requires an appreciation of our understanding around our sexual, relationship and personal wellness, which I share often in my social media and personal blog on this website.
“Pleasure & sexuality is not separate from love & presence. It’s when we disconnect them that pain and imbalance happens."
YouTube Channel
AthenaRising TV
Relationships & Vulnerability
The Six People To Avoid When Being Vulnerable | in love and relationship (inspired by Brene Brown)
Why Relationships Are Hard
What to Do About: One Common Reason Why Relationships are Hard
Talking about Sexual Misconduct
Five Things to Note: Responding to A Friend Who Experienced Sexual Misconduct (like NUS incident)
Be Intimate with life. Be intimate in love.
I demystify topics around sex, love and relationships. Find writings, musings, tips and videos here about living moments a little more consciously, passionately and magically.
Andrea’s Testimonials: Athena Rising
Natalie (Oct 2018)

“Thank you Andrea for today’s session. Another awakening J My body and soul thank the universe for placing you in my path to help and guide me on this journey.”
Jade egg client after her first session (May 2019)