Pussy wellness 101 & 4 reasons to avoid disposable tampons

With reusable products, I have no issues with leakage (I did but took the advice at a Live Love Luna talk at The Green Collective SG to try different brands and found a fit that worked). It’s not inconvenient and I do sports that require stretching and fitted wear. It’s hygienic (practice hygiene and proper washing and boiling).

My kids sometimes catch me washing the blood out (who has privacy as parents 🤷‍♀️). Yet, knowing that I can reduce plastic waste every month is also important to me.

[4 urgent reasons to avoid tampon use in comments.]

Here’s the deal with disposable tampons:
1. They have bleach and plastic or polyester components – and these go up one of the most absorbent parts of your body (vaginal canal). It’s a toxic leak literally in your vagina.

2. The best part is the components – tampon makers are NOT REQUIRED to specify the full ingredients and when questioned by media, they have often said “maybe cotton? Maybe polyester?” But there is no federal regulation that can hold them to full disclosure. This is an issue with the women sexual wellness industry that has been going on for a while – lack of regulation, little investment funds to push for safety and health of the users (women).

3. Because of the materials, tampons are very absorbent and “absorb” blood and moisture in the vaginal canal. This creates a higher probability of dryness, hence it’s easier to have micro tears on the walls, allowing for more of the toxic materials to seep in. Also higher rates of infection. (Note: the idea of toxic shock syndrome is it largely happens when an over absorbent tampon is used for that part of the period and left in there longer than needed, creating rich conditions for the infection).

The last is a personal experience and some feedback I’ve heard from others using cups / cotton pads – which I feel is important but are just not based on formal surveys and studies (again, no investment or support in this area):

4. It makes your vagina happy. Less aches and pains during the period somehow. And because I do a lot of work to connect to the body, connect women to their vagina and sexuality / sensuality – there is a clear indication in that connection that the body loves the reusable products so far. If you are sensitive or connected to your body, almost like a Marie Kondo “spark joy” kind of reaction.

<for context on point 4 ☝️, my background as reference>

I’m certified integrated sex, love & relationship coach. I work with an embodiment, mind-body principles and sexuality /sex/sensuality topics which inevitably takes me to vaginal wellness – and body and vaginal sensitivity to what we bring in contact, and how we honour our body.

Andrea is an Integrated Sex, Love & Relationship Coach and Jade Egg Coach who helps individuals and couples develop an empowered and embodied relationship with their sexuality, as well as areas of love and relationship to lead creative and inspiring wholehearted lives personally and in business.

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